that contempt for womanliness is contempt racy seems to proceed steadily, in spite of for our own womanliness. And contempt for setbacks, with the wider and wider disthe sexual promiscuity of others is contempt semination of knowledge. Even if we live for our own. that long, we will not regard ourselves as There is no scientific validity for despisheroes, for we shall learn in our experience ing any kind of sexual activity that does no that heroism consists merely in despising harm. I strongly urge everyone to read The injustice and in clinging to the just cause. Ethics of Sexual Acts by Rene Guyon. For those of us who are religiously inclined, and therefore likely to be suffering from conflicts between the religious and the more obviously sexual impulses, I should strongly urge that they pursue this pattern of thinking: Cease worrying about the sinfulness of
sex; make up your minds to enjoy your Gentlemen: lives and to express yourselves sexually There was an article in the July issue of when you feel the need; restrict your beONE that stirred up a good deal of controhavior only to this extent that you retain an versy and, I am told that the whole point in honest respect for the underlying humanity publishing the article was to stimulate of all those with whom you have relations. thought, to bring to our minds certain facThen, if you have the kind of mind that tors that very much need to be recognized values the knowledge it seems to derive from and discussed. I am referring to the essay religious feeling more than what it learns SIX REASONS WHY YOUR LITTLE MAGAfrom the scientific approach, you will disZINE WON'T LAST. cover, perhaps to your surprise, that it was not sex of any kind or amount but contempt for yourself and your sexual partners that kept you divided from your God.
I know that among you I have many friends. I should like to sign my name but I know you will understand when I tell you I can't because I must earn a living. Some day this underground business will no longer be necessary. When that time comes, those of us who now engage in the fight for human rights will be regarded as heroes. I doubt that any of us now alive will know it then, but we can be comforted by the assurance that the day will come, since the evolution of society toward greater democ
The importance of this article is not due to any factual material which it contained-for there was no factual material, no objective, reliable material of any kind in it at allbut, rather, to its being a sterling example of the kind of expression ineluctably associated with the emotionally immature personality. Its importance lies in the fact that it is a demonstration of a type of mind not uncommon in the homosexual. Its publication is a warning to all of us to be on the lookout for this type of attitude, to call it by its proper name, and to beware.
For the article is no more-and no lessthan the splenetic outcry of an enraged infant. Observe, if you will, the complete
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